AGII Announces Semester I-2021 Results, Targets Expansion of Plants and Distribution Facilities
By Press Release30 August 2021
Jakarta, 30 August 2021 – PT Aneka Gas Industri Tbk (Bloomberg Code: AGII IJ or the “Company”) has announced its First Semester 2021 Consolidated Financial Statements for the six-month period ended June 30, 2021 and 2020. In the first semester of 2021, total sales reached IDR 1.3 trillion, increased 25.8% compared to that of Semester-I 2020. Increased demand has prompted the Company to not only optimize business processes and operations, but also prepare expansion plans to accommodate the country's medical and industrial gas needs in the future.
President Director of AGII, Mr. Rachmat Harsono, said “In mid second quarter of 2021, PT Aneka Gas Industri Tbk was met with a difficult challenge, involving us in helping to secure sufficient medical oxygen supply for hospitals. The significant increase in COVID-19 cases during the span of two to three weeks had put us in a critical position. With proactive support from the Government and distributors, we have prioritized the allocation of medical oxygen for national safety during the period. That being said, our performance in the First Semester of 2021 is highlighted by our commitment to ensure oxygen independence in the Republic of Indonesia through mutual collaboration”.
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