AGII Announces Full Year 2021 Performance, Reports All-Time High Annual Sales and +111.8% Profit Growth
By AGII Announces Full Year 2021 Performance, Reports All-Time High Annual Sales and +111.8% Profit Growth29 April 2022
Jakarta, 11 April 2022 – PT Aneka Gas Industri Tbk (Bloomberg Code: AGII IJ or the
“Company”) has announced its Consolidated Financial Statements for the years ended
31 December 2021 (“FY2021”) and 2020 (“FY2020”). During 2021, the Company
recorded sales of IDR 2.74 Trillion, increased 25.2% compared to that of the previous
year. Profit for the Year reached IDR 211.48 billion per 31 December 2021, or increased
111.8% year-on-year.
President Director of AGII, Mr. Rachmat Harsono, said “The year 2021 was indeed a
profounding year. Throughout the year, the company held an important role in fulfilling
the nation’s medical gas needs and, despite the difficult challenges that we had to
overcome, we remain committed to providing our best in meeting customer needs. We
not only managed to record our highest ever annual sales, but also delivered strong
operating performance and therefore managed to significantly increase the overall
profitability of the business. We have consistently outperformed GDP growth throughout
the years, and have beaten our 2021 targets of 10%-15% Sales Growth and 5%-7% Net
Profit Margin.”
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