Groundbreaking of the 56th Plant, AGII Ready to Grow Its Pipeline Business at KIT Batang
By Press Release17 March 2023
Jakarta, 17 March 2023 – PT Samator Indo Gas Tbk (Bloomberg Code: AGII IJ or the “Company”) has held a Plant Groundbreaking Event in Kawasan Industri Terpadu Batang
(“KITB”) or Grand Batang City, Batang, Central Java. This plant will officially become the Company's 56th plant and scheduled for commissioning in Q4-2024.
The Groundbreaking event was led by AGII President Director, Mr. Rachmat Harsono, and was also attended by the Governor of Central Java, Mr. Ganjar Pranowo, as well as KITB President Director, Mr. Ngurah Wirawan.
On this occasion, Mr. Rachmat Harsono said, "Today we are grateful to have been given the opportunity to officially announce the groundbreaking for our 56th plan at KITB, together with the Government of Central Java, KITB officials, as well as distinguished guests and partners attended today," he said. "This new plant will support our dedication to serve the industrial gas needs in Central Java and to participate in Indonesia’s journey in the Smart and Sustainable Era.”
For full press release, please click here.