AGII AGMS Approves to Change the Management Board Composition and to Distributes Dividend Amounting to IDR 14.9 Billion
By Press Release31 May 2023
Jakarta, 31 May 2023 – PT Samator Indo Gas Tbk (Bloomberg Code: AGII IJ or the “Company”) has held the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (“AGMS”) for 2022 Financial Year in Hotel Raffles, Jakarta. The AGMS has been running smoothly for the support from the respective shareholders, as well as the cooperative AGII Board of Commissioners and Directors.
The Company’s 2022 AGMS has discussed several Agendas, each of which consists of Agenda proposal and the interactive question and answer session. There were 8 Agendas discussed in the AGMS, consisting of 6 (six) annual Agenda, such as the Ratification of Company’s Annual Report and the Use of Company’s Net Profit, as well as 2 (two) Agendas that require the Shareholders’ agreement through voting mechanism, one of them is to Approve Changes in the Composition of the Company’s Commissioners and Directors.
AGII President Director, Rachmat Harsono, stated, “Through changes in the composition of the Management Board in collaboration with CVC, the Company optimistically will remain to grow and strengthen our position both in industrial and medical gas in Indonesia. This changes is also expected to enables significant benefits to the shareholders, in-line with the Company’s vision and mission as well as to expand more opportunities to contribute to the national economy development.”
Other than the changes in Management Board, the AGMS also approves to share cash dividend amounting IDR 14.9 billion. Total dividend that will be shared is equivalent to 15% of the Company’s 2022 Net Profit which reached IDR 99.34 billion. Hence, the respective shareholders will receive dividend amounting IDR 4.86 per share.
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