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PT Samator Indo Gas Tbk

Products & Services

Sippol & Oxypure




Oxypure, one of the innovations developed to help serve the home care sector, is a pure oxygen therapy device specifically designed for liquid oxygen storage and supplying oxygen gas for patients with respiratory disorders including Covid-19 or for the recovery period for diabetes and stroke patients.

In addition to helping facilitate oxygen therapy, Oxypure can also be used to meet oxygen needs in daily activities, helping you to be more productive, more energized, fresher, stamina, recover faster from fatigue and other health benefits that you can feel, for relaxation and creating excellent sleep quality, can help you to concentrate and be energized, and can help activate and rejuvenate dead skin cells, and brighten your facial skin where other benefits of pure oxygen produced from Oxypure such as helps repair damaged body cells and improve the quality of life of its user. Oxypure containers are periodically filled with liquid oxygen by the oxygen supplier and delivered directly to the site.

Oxypure is divided into 2 types:

  1. Oxypure Type Lox 4
    Medical liquid oxygen container with a capacity of 44 liters.
  2. Oxypure Type Lox 3
    Medical liquid oxygen container with a capacity of 32 liters.

For more detailed information about Oxypure, click here.