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PT Samator Indo Gas Tbk

Corporate Governance

Internal Audit

As part of the Company's GCG practices, The Internal Audit Unit was formed when the Company was formally established in 1971 and it already has the guidelines and/or charter of Internal Audit Unit. Its purpose is to help the Company achieve its goals through a systematic and orderly approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control and corporate governance.

The Internal Audit Unit has carried out the duties and responsibilities as set forth in the Company’s Internal Audit Charter, which are to : 1) Prepare and execute the annual internal audit activities based on risk priority in accordance with the Company’s objectives, 2) Examine and evaluate the implementation of internal control and risk management system in accordance with the Company’s policies, 3) Conduct testing and assessment on the efficiency and effectiveness of finance, accounting, operations, human resources, marketing, information technology, and other functions, 4) Provide recommendations for improvements and objective information concerning the audited activities at all management level, 5) Prepare audit reports and communicate such reports to the President Director and the Board of Commissioners, 6) Monitor, analyze, and report the implementation of recommended follow-up improvements, 7) Collaborate with Audit Committee, 8) Develop programs to evaluate the quality of internal audit activities, and 9) Conduct special inspection if needed.

Internal Audit is managed by a Head of the Internal Audit Unit pursuant to Decree No. 012/SIG-VI/23 dated June 28, 2023, regarding The Appointment of the Head of the Internal Audit Unit. Based on this decision, the Head of the Internal Audit Unit as of June 28, 2023 is Ganggar Dwi Christiawan. 

For Internal Audit Charter, please click here.