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PT Samator Indo Gas Tbk

Corporate Governance

Whistleblowing System

Whistleblowing System is a policy and procedures designed for receive, review and follow up on complaints submitted by employees and Stakeholders of the company. To ensure the protection of Stakeholders' rights as well as the risk of violation of regulations by certain parties, the Company has a violation reporting mechanism.

Complaints submitted through the Whistleblowing System can be in the form of information or indications of fraud and negligence that occurred within the company. With the Whistleblowing System, it is hoped to prevent and identify any potential violations within the company and can act as an early warning system, so that the company have the opportunity to deal with violations internally prior before they become public violations.

Complaints can be submitted through the following mechanisms:

Submitting complaints through reporting media, namely:

  • Email to [email protected]
  • Text or WhatsApp message to 0811 3050 3000
  • Letter addressed to the Company attn. Internal Audit
    Unit with the following addresses:

Surabaya Office
Jalan Raya Kedung Baruk No. 25 - 28
Kedung Baruk, Rungkut
Surabaya, 60298
East Java, Indonesia

Jakarta Office
UGM Samator Pendidikan Gedung A, Lt. 5 & 6
Jalan Dr. Saharjo No. 83,Manggarai, Tebet
South Jakarta, 12850

Complaints are directly received and followed up by the Internal Audit Unit. If there is an indication of a violation, so it will be conducted further investigation and whistleblower (if not anonymous) will receive feedback on the status of complaints reported.

All complaints filed through WBS will be treated as confidential and given protection in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations.